Panofloor 2, our new high-quality carpet is thicker and adds exceptional contrast.
It’s also easier to install.
Available in 3-meter width, and up to 24-meter length!
Ask for a sample, we’ll send it to you for free.
Product Innovation / c.air² pop-up counter
New natural wood color for c.air² pop-up counter countertops and shelves (previously only bamboo).
A more aesthetic result that matches the rest of our portable range.
This new color is also available in the Panoramic custom range.
Please note: new template for the c.air² !
Panoramic Stands / The Golden Rule for graphics’reprint
The reprint of a new set of graphics can only be done for the entire canvas.
We consider a canvas as a set of inseparable graphics.
Since many parameters can change between two printings (printer, ink, paper, fabric, etc.), we cannot guarantee colorimetry, or that new graphics adjacent to or in between other graphics will align.
It is therefore essential to order the reprint of all connected and inseparable graphics that make up a single graphic set like in the example at right.
We were there / C!Print Lyon
We introduced our latest innovation, the curved contour at C!Print Lyon.
For the 2nd year in a row, we were also partners of the show: we designed the Press Area and the Creative Industries stand with Panoramic h-line.